'Isaiah Berlin, History and the World of Today': Margaret MacMillan delivers the 2020 Isaiah Berlin Memorial Lecture in Riga (this year by Zoom)
Professor Margaret MacMillan will give this year's Isaiah Berlin Memorial Lecture in Riga by video link on Thursday 26 November. The lecture, entitled 'Isaiah Berlin, History and the World of Today', was due to be given in the National Library in Riga in March, but was delayed by the onset of Covid-19. Proceedings start at 19.00 (Riga time, i.e. GMT+2) with introductory remarks from the former President of Latvia and honorary patroness of the Isaiah Berlin Day, Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga.
- The lecture will be live streamed: live.tiesraides.lv/tiesraides.lv/live2/en/23
- The lecture can also be followed on the Isaiah Berlin Centre website isaiahberlin.org; the National Library of Latvia website lnb.lv; and the social media platforms of the Centre and the Foundation for an Open Society DOTS.
- The annual Isaiah Berlin Day in Riga is run under the auspices of The Isaiah Berlin Association of Latvia.
- Find out more about Margaret Macmillan and her work.
- Find out more about past Isaiah Berlin Days in Riga.