The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Della Casa, Alessandro, Liberali, realisti e pluralisti: l’eredità di Isaiah Berlin per il XXI secolo, Preface by Henry Hardy, Foreword by Dino Cofrancesco (Mazara del Vallo, 2024: Il Pensiero Storico)
- published separately in English as Liberal, Realist, and Pluralist: Isaiah Berlin’s Legacy for the Twenty-First Century, trans. Dannielle Shaw and Carla Biondi; Quaderni della rivista Il Pensiero Storico, nos 4 and 5

‘Romanticism, Politics and Ethics’, Keller Lecture, West Hartford, Connecticut, 1963
- Trans. Bi Xiao, Modern Foreign Philosophy no. 24 (2024 no. 1), 197–215

The Addiction of Russian Intellectuals to Historicism
- (in part) trans. and ed. Li Xue, Russian Literature and Arts 2024 no. 3, 4–20
See also Bib.297 and Bib.101(b)