The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Crowder, George, Theories of Multiculturalism: An Introduction (Cambridge, 2013: Polity)
- chapter 7, ‘Value Pluralists’, discusses IB and other pluralists
Deighton, Anne, ‘Don and Diplomat: Isaiah Berlin and Britain’s Early Cold War’, Cold War History 13 (2013) no. 4, 525–40
Delannoi, Gil, ‘Deux aspects complémentaires de la liberté: une relecture d’Isaiah Berlin’, Annuaire de l’Institut Michel Villey 5 (2013), 143–61
Farndale, Nigel, ‘Dinner with Maggie’, Observer Magazine, 8 December 2013, 22–6
Freedman, Lawrence, Strategy: A History (New York, 2013: Oxford University Press), 613–14
- discusses Bib.233, the 1957 talk ‘Political Judgement’, first broadcast on the BBC's Third Programme
- see also B.12
Galston, William, ‘Between Logic and Psychology: The Links between Value Pluralism and Liberal Theory’, Review of Politics 75 no. 1 (2013), 97–101
Giorgini, Giovanni, ‘Three Visions of Liberty: John Stuart Mill, Isaiah Berlin, Quentin Skinner’, chapter 9 of Kyriakos N. Demetriou and Antis Loizides (eds), John Stuart Mill: A British Socrates (London, 2013: Palgrave Macmillan)
Hiruta, Kei, ‘Berlin: Tagenshugi to Jiyu’ [‘Berlin: Pluralism and Freedom’], in Masaki Nakmasa (ed.), Seijisisho no. Chie: Machiavelli kara Sandel made [Wisdom of Political Thought: from Machiavelli to Sandel] (Kyoto, 2013: Horitsu Bunka Sha), 157–73
Holzman, Michael, Guy Burgess: Revolutionary in an Old School Tie, 2nd ed. (New York, 2013: Chelmsford Press)
Kis, Janos, ‘Berlin’s Two Concepts of Positive Liberty’, European Journal of Political Theory 12 no. 1 (2013), 31–48
Lilla, Mark, ‘Isaiah Berlin Against the Current’, New York Review of Books, 25 April 2013
- repr. of foreword to the second edition of Against the Current
Miller, David, ‘Political Theory, Philosophy, and the Social Sciences: Five Chichele Professors’, in Christopher Hood, Desmond King and Gillian Peele (eds), Forging a Discipline: A Critical Assessment of Oxford’s Development of Politics and International Relations in Comparative Perspective (Oxford, 2013: Oxford University Press), 165–83
Mori, Tatsuya, ‘Seijiteki jiyū: gainen no “Igirisuteki” bunmyaku wo megutte’ [‘Political Freedom: on the “British” Context of the Concept’], in Paul Kelly and Seishi Sato (eds), Tagenshugi to tabunkashugi no. Aida: gendai igirisu seijisisou kenkyu [Between Pluralism and Multiculturalism: Studies in Contemporary British Political Thought] (Waseda University Press, 2013)
- begins p. 215
- part of this article discusses Berlin’s Two Concepts of Liberty, especially its philosophical character and historical context
Peters, Matthew, ‘ “I Am Slowly Taking Against the Great Writer”: Isaiah Berlin’s Reading of Henry James’, Literary Imagination 15 no. 1 (March 2013), 65–73
Polanowska-Sygulska, Beata, ‘John Gray and the Implications of Value Pluralism for Legal Philosophy’, 25th IVR World Congress: Law, Science and Technology, Frankfurt am Main, 15–20 Aug. 2011, Series, no. 096/2012, Series B (6 pp.)
Polanowska-Sygulska, Beata, Między filozofią polityczną a filozofią prawa [Between Political Philosophy and the Philosophy of Law] (Kraków, 2012 [sc. 2013]: Księgarnia Akademicka)
- a collection of essays which have much to say about Berlin
Raphael, Frederic, and Epstein, Joseph, Distant Intimacy: A Friendship in the Age of the Internet (New Haven and London, 2013: Yale University Press)
- 'contains wonderfully catty comments on IB' (Henry Hardy)
Riley, Jonathan, ‘Isaiah Berlin’s “Minimum of Common Moral Ground” ’, Political Theory 41 no. 1 (2013), 61–89
- 'This important paper is a definitive milestone in Berlin studies. Riley has an uncannily accurate perception of what IB believed, even when IB doesn’t express it clearly himself. He raises and answers convincingly a number of questions which must surely bother anyone who reads IB with care. In particular he gives the first satisfying account of IB’s apparently paradoxical claim that pluralists can empathise with conduct that they nevertheless wish to resist, if necessary to the death.' (Henry Hardy)
Ryan, Alan, ‘Isaiah Berlin: The History of Ideas as Psychodrama’, European Journal of Political Theory 12 no. 1 (2013), 24–30
Sanfey, Michael, ‘Machiavelli: The Enduring Lure of an Evil Genius’, Irish Times, 10 December 2013