The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue

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Vatolin, Igor', ‘Den' Berlina: za svobodu i raznoobrazie v delakh chelovecheskikh’ (‘Berlin Day: For Freedom and Variety in Human Affairs’), Telegraf, November 2015, 56–64

  • an interview with Henry Hardy
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Zaytseva, Elena (ed.), Akhmatova, Anrep, Berlin, catalogue of an exhibition at Pushkin House, London, 5 February to 29 April 2015 (London [2015], Puskhkin House)

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Çapan, Alişan, İsaiah Berlin: İki Özgürlük Arasinda [Isaiah Berlin: Between Two Freedoms] (Istanbul, 2015: On İki Levha Yayıncılık)
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Carandini, Andrea, Paesaggio di idee: tre anni con Isaiah Berlin (Soveria Mannelli, 2015: Rubbettino)
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Granovskaya, Ol'ga Leonidovna, ‘Idei I. Berlina i dilemmy liberalizma post-prosveshcheniya’ [‘The Ideas of I. Berlin and the Dilemmas of Post-Enlightenment Liberalism’] (Vladivostok, 2015: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Far Eastern Federal University)
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Owens, Lewis, Like a Chemist from Canada: Shostakovich, Isaiah Berlin and Oxford, play

  • first performed on 13 June 2015 at the Lilian Baylis Studio, Sadler’s Wells, London
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Martins, Ana Vasconcelos, ‘Pluralism v. Relativism: An Appraisal of Isaiah Berlin’s Defence of Pluralism’, MA thesis, University of Portugal, Lisbon (n.d.)

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Mori, Tatsuya, ‘Liberaru Maindo: Isaiah Berlin no seiji sisou’ [‘The Liberal Mind: A Study of Isaiah Berlin’s Political Thought’], Ph.D. thesis, Waseda University (2015)

  • View Document (below) for Contents
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  • (in part) ‘Precisiones y desacuerdos’, trans. Daniel Gascón, Letras libres 15 no. 174 (March 2016), 26–31

‘Marxist versus Non-Marxist Ideas in Soviet Policy’ (1952), in The Soviet Mind (2nd ed., 2016)


‘Communism: Summary of Mr Berlin’s Speech’ (late 1940s), in The Soviet Mind (2nd ed., 2016)


Cherniss, Joshua, ‘Isaiah Berlin’, in John Stone and others (eds), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism (Chichester, 2016: Wiley-Blackwell)

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Craitu, Aurelian, Faces of Moderation: The Art of Balance in an Age of Extremes (Philadelphia, 2016: University of Pennsylvania Press)

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Crowder, George, ‘After Berlin: The Literature 2002–2020’ (2016; updated 7 May 2020)

  • An important bibliographical review, first posted on Henry Hardy’s Isaiah Berlin Virtual Library website in March 2016
  • It is intended to complement and update Ian Harris’s ‘Berlin and His Critics’, in Isaiah Berlin, Liberty, ed. Henry Hardy (Oxford, 2002: Oxford University Press), 349–64
  • View Document (below) for PDF: we are indebted to George Crowder for making this available
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Hama, Shinichiro , ‘Berlin Jiyuron no Gensen: “Shusaku (torso) to shite no ‘Roman Shugi Jidai no Seiji Shiso’ ” ’ [‘The Origin of Berlin’s Argument about Liberty: Political Ideas in the Romantic Age as Torso’], Doshisha Hogaku [The Doshisha Law Review (The Doshisha Law Association, Faculty of Law, Doshisha University)] 68 no. 2 (2016), 1–27

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Hama, Shinichiro , ‘Berlin “Jiyu to Sono Uragiri” wo Yomu’ [‘Reading Isaiah Berlin’s Freedom and Its Betrayal’], Doshisha Hogaku [The Doshisha Law Review] 68 no. 3 (2016), 103–34

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Hama, Shinichiro, ‘Berlin no Shisoshi Kenkyu no Kihon Kozo: Seiyo Seiji Shisoshi Kenkyu ni okeru Mittsu no Tenkanten to Han Keimosyugi’ [‘The Basic Structure of Berlin’s Study of the History of Ideas: Three Turning-Points in the Study of Western Political Thought and the Counter-Enlightenment’], Doshisha Hogaku [The Doshisha Law Review (The Doshisha Law Association, Faculty of Law, Doshisha University)] 68 no. 4 (2016), 113–50

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Hama, Shinichiro, ‘Berlin no Sehisoshi Kenkyu no Houhou: Bunkashi ni kansuru Giron wo Sozai to shite’ [‘The Methodology of Berlin’s Study of the History of Ideas: Focusing on His Argument about Cultural History’], Doshisha Hogaku [The Doshisha Law Review (The Doshisha Law Association, Faculty of Law, Doshisha University)] 68 no. 5 (2016), 77–101

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Hama, Shinichiro, ‘Berlin ni okeru Jiyu to Ketteiron ni tsuite: “Rekishi no Hitsuzensei” (1953) tono Kanren wo humaete’ [‘Berlin on Freedom and Determinism in His “Historical Inevitability” (1953)’], Doshisha Hogaku [The Doshisha Law Review (The Doshisha Law Association, Faculty of Law, Doshisha University)] 68 no. 6 (2016), 43–66

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