The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Baldwin, Tom, ‘MacCallum and the Two Concepts of Freedom’, Ratio 26 no. 2 (1984), 125–42
Litvinoff, Barnet (general editor), The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann, II Series B, December 1931–April 1952, 407–9
Momigliano, Arnaldo, ‘Due libri inglesi su Vico’, in id., Sui fondamenti della storia antica (Turin, 1984: Einaudi), 230–51
Polanowska-Sygulska, Beata, ‘Krytyka koncepcji wolnosci pozytywnej w ujeciu Isaiaha Berlina’ [‘Isaiah Berlin’s critique of the positive concept of freedom’], Studia nauk politycznych 3 (1984), 49–65
Rapaport, L. ‘The Hoskins Affair’, Jerusalem Post, 23 November 1984, ?
Sandel, M. ‘Introduction’ to his Liberalism and its Critics (New York, 1984: New York University Press), 1–11
Santambrogio, Marco, ‘Isaiah Berlin: Oxford–Moscou’, Libération, 19 November 1984, 34–5
Shibuya, Hiroshi, ‘Seiji tetsugaku to jiyū no. mondai: Isaiah Berlin no. baai’ [‘Political Philosophy and the Problems of Liberty: A Study of Isaiah Berlin’], in Meiji Gakuin Ronso, Hogaku Kenkyu [The Meiji Gakuin Law Review] no. 362 (1984), 75–97
Skinner, Q., ‘The Idea of Negative Liberty: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives’, in R. Rorty, J. B. Schneewind and Q. Skinner (eds), Philosophy in History (Cambridge, 1984: Cambridge University Press), 193–221
‘Nahum Goldmann (1895–1982): A Personal Impression’, in William Frankel (ed.), Survey of Jewish Affairs 1983 (Rutherford/ Madison/Teaneck, 1985: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press; London/Toronto, 1985: Associated University Presses), 238–43
- excerpted in Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1985
- repr. as ‘Nahum Goldmann’ in Personal Impressions (3rd ed., 2014)
‘On Vico’ (reply to Zagorin), Philosophical Quarterly 35 (1985), 281–90
- abstract in the Philosopher’s Index 19 (1985), 246
Contribution to ‘Terence Cornelius Farmer Prittie, 15 December 1913 – 28 May 1985, In Memoriam’, Britain & Israel, August 1985, [1]
Allegra Mostyn-Owen and Hugo Dixon, Isis, 17 May 1985, 8–9
Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers: Briefwechsel 1926–1969, ed. Lotte Köhler and Hans Saner (Munich, 1985: Piper), 571
- Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers: Correspondence 1926–1969 (1985), ed. Lotte Kohler and Hans Saner, trans. Robert and Rita Kimber (San Diego, Ca./London, 1993: Harcourt Brace), 535
Arneson, Richard J., ‘Freedom and Desire’, Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (1985), 425–48
Macpherson, C. B., ‘Pluralism, Individualism, and Participation’, in his The Rise and Fall of Economic Justice and Other Essays (Oxford, 1985: Oxford University Press), 92–100
Miller, David, ‘Reply to Oppenheim’, Ethics 95 (1985), 310–14
Ogawa, Koichi, ‘Berlin no. jiyūron’ [‘On the Two Concepts of Liberty in Isaiah Berlin’], in Hokudai hogaku ronshu [Hokkaido Law Review], 36 nos 1–2 (1985), 39–83, 36 no.4 (1986), 1239–89
Oppenheim, Felix E., ‘Constraints on Freedom as a Descriptive Concept’, Ethics 95 (1985), 305–9
Rubirola i Torrent, Miquel, ‘Los valores de la sociedad liberal’ [The values of a liberal society], La Vanguardia [Barcelona], 24 December 1985, 32–3