The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Pan´kovsky, Anatoly, ‘Kontseptsiya cheloveka v filosofii Berlina’ [The concept of the person in Berlin’s philosophy], in Sbornik nauchnykh statei po materialam Mezhdunarodnogo naychno-obrazovatel´nogo foruma “Evropa-2003” (4 iyunya 2003 g.) (Minsk, 2003: European Humanities University), 342–8
Pan´kovsky, Anatoly, ‘Kontseptsiya sotsial´nogo soglasheniya v sovremmenoi liberal´noi teorii’ [The concept of social arrangements in contemporary liberal theory], in Sbornik nauchnykh statei po materialam Mezhdunarodnogo naychno-obrazovatel´nogo foruma “Evropa-2003” (4 iyunya 2003 g.) (Minsk, 2003: European Humanities University), 241–8
Pan´kovsky, Anatoly, ‘Ob”ektivnost´ otsenki: vvedenie v agonal´nuyu dekonstruktsiyu I. Berlina’ [The objectivity of valuing: an introduction to I. Berlin’s agonistic deconstruction], Topos 2003 no. 8, 96–109
Pan´kovsky, Anatoly, ‘Radikal´noe prosveshchenie Zhizheka, prosveshchennyi skeptitsizm Berlina’ [Zizek’s radical enlightenment, Berlin’s enlightened scepticism], in Sbornik nauchnykh statei po materialam Mezhdunarodnogo naychno-obrazovatel´nogo foruma “Evropa-2002” (4 iyunya, 2002 g.) (Minsk, 2003: European Humanities University), 244–56
Petrucciani, Stefano, Modelli di filosofia politica (Turin, 2003: Einaudi), 171–3
Samuels, Warren J., ‘Isaiah Berlin and the Preconceptions of Economics with Regard to Liberty’, in Derek Hum (ed.), Faith, Reason, and Economics (Manitoba, 2003: St. John’s College Press, University of Manitoba), 189–202
Shweder, Richard A., ‘The Idea of Moral Progress: Bush versus Posner versus Berlin’, in Philosophy of Education Society (US), Philosophy of Education 2003, 29–56
Siedentop, Larry, ‘What Are We to Make of Isaiah Berlin?’, in Wm Roger Louis (ed.), Still More Adventures with Britannia: Personalities, Politics and Culture in Britain (London, 2003: I. B. Tauris; Texas, 2003: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center), 175–194
Snodgrass, David, ‘The Debate over a Style for Serious Radio Talks on the BBC: 1946–1957’, Journal of Radio Studies 10 no. 1 (2003), 104–9
- contains a section (115–17) entitled ‘Isaiah Berlin: Portrait of the Intellectual as Broadcaster’
Spicer, Michael W., ‘Masks of Freedom: An Examination of Isaiah Berlin's Ideas on Freedom and Their Implications for Public Administration', Administrative Theory and Praxis 25 (2003), 545–88
Walicki, Andrzej, ‘Posłowie: Isaiah Berlin i dziewiętnastowieczeni myśliciele rosyjscy’ (‘Afterword: Isaiah Berlin and the Nineteenth-Century Russian Thinkers’), in Isaiah Berlin, Rosyjscy Myśliciele, trans. Sergiusz Kowalski (Warsaw, 2003: Prószynski), 317–52
- an expanded version of Walicki 2002
Wang Qian, ‘I. Berlin to sono hihansha tachi: jiyū no. gainen wo megutte’ [‘I. Berlin and His Critics: On the Concept of Liberty’], Shisoushi kenkyu [Journal of History of Ideas] no. 3 (2003), 175–191
Wentzell, Richard J., 'Value pluralism: some implications for multiculturalism'
- paper prepared for the conference: 'What’s the Culture in Multiculturalism? What’s the Difference of Identities?', University of Aarhus, Denmark, 22-24 May 2003
Mali, Joseph, and Wokler, Robert (eds), Isaiah Berlin’s Counter-Enlightenment [Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 93 No 3] (Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2003)
The Guest from the Future
- Opera premiered by the Nine Circles Chamber Theatre at the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, 23 July 2004
- Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes
- Music: Mel Marvin
- Libretto: Jonathan Levi
- Artistic directors: Jonathan Levi, Gil Morgenstern
- Music director: David Levi
- Director: David Chambers
- Isaiah Berlin: Jonathan Hays
- Anna Akhmatova: Michaela Martens
Flourishing: Letters 1928–1946, ed. Henry Hardy (London, 2004: Chatto & Windus; London, 2005)
- published in the USA as Letters 1928–1946 (New York, 2004: Cambridge University Press)
‘Boris Pasternak’ (1958), in The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture under Communism, 85–9 (Bib.256)
‘Four Weeks in the Soviet Union’ (1956), in The Soviet Mind, 119–29
‘A Letter on Human Nature’ (1986), part of a letter to Beata Polanowska-Sygulska, New York Review of Books, 23 September 2004, 26
- repr. in The Crooked Timber of Humanity (2nd ed., 2013) (as ‘Letter to Beata Polanowska-Sygulska on Human Nature’)
- and in Affirming 278–81