The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Various authors, Isaiah Berlin, Value Pluralism, and the Law, the 2009 Editor’s Symposium, San Diego Law Review 46 no. 4 (November–December 2009)
- View Document (below) for contributors/contributions
Various authors, ‘O illuminado’, Folha de S. Paulo, 31 May 2009, Mais!, 4–7
- View Document (below) for list of contributors
Vējš, Jānis, ‘Toleration – Analysis of the Concept’, in Latvijas Kristīgās Akadēmijas Zinātniskie raksti [Proceedings of the Latvian Christian Academy] 2 (2009), 162–70
Watson, George, ‘The Failure of History’, The Times Higher Education, 5 November 2009, 38, 40–1
- incorporates a review of The Soviet Mind
Yamamoto, Hajime, ‘Kenporironniokeru jiyunokozotenkanno kanosei: kyowashugikenporironno tameno hitotsunooboegaki’ (‘The Possibility of Structural Change in Freedom in Constitutional Theory: An Essay on Republican Constitutional Theory (2)’), Keio hogaku (Keio Law Journal) no. 13 (2009 no. 3), 83–109
Hardy, Henry (ed.), The Book of Isaiah: Personal Impressions of Isaiah Berlin (Woodbridge, 2009: The Boydell Press in association with Wolfson College, Oxford)
- Herman, David, ‘The Two Faces of Isaiah’, review of The Book of Isaiah and Flourishing, Salmagundi Nos 166–7 (Spring–Summer 2010), 224–36
- Vermes, Geza, review of The Book of Isaiah and Flourishing, Journal of Jewish Studies 61 no. 2 (Autumn 2010), 346–8
Hardy, Henry, Kei Hiruta and Jennifer Holmes (eds), Isaiah Berlin and Wolfson College, with a foreword by Hermione Lee (Oxford, 2009: Wolfson College)
- 68-page pamphlet published to mark the centenary of IB’s birth
L. Kopylov, T. Pozdnyakova and N. Popova, ‘I eto bylo tak’: Anna Akhmatova i Isaiya Berlin [‘That’s How It Was’: Anna Akhmatova and Isaiah Berlin] (St Petersburg, 2009: The Anna Akhmatova Museum at Fountain House)
- the dates of the 1945–6 meetings between AA and IB that IB wrote about are probably 15–16 November 1945 and 5 January 1946
- this book claims that there were further visits, again lasting into the early hours, on 17–18 and either 18–19 or 19–20 November; and also a meeting on 2 January – making five meetings in all
- IB never referred to any such additional meetings, but the evidence cited for them is not unpersuasive
- See also Josephine von Zitzewitz ‘That’s How It Was: New Theories on Anna Akhmatova and Isaiah Berlin, Her “Guest from the Future” ’ in The Times Literary Supplement, 9 September 2011, 14–15
Castello Branco, José Tomaz de Gambôa Pinto de, ‘Pluralismo, Liberdade e Tolerâcia: O Tecido Moral das Democracias Contemporâneas’, Ph.D. thesis, Catholic University of Portugal (2009)
Cherniss, Joshua, ‘A Mind and its Time: The Development of Isaiah Berlin’s Political Thought 1928–1953’, D.Phil. thesis, University of Oxford (2009)
- ‘Šostakovičs Oksfordā’ [‘Shostakovich at Oxford’, extract from letter of 28 June 1958 to Rowland Burdon-Muller], trans. Sabīne Ozola, Rīgas Laiks, April 2010, 5–6
- Excerpts from 2 letters in La Vanguardia, 6 June 2009, 44
Born in Riga
- Documentary film on IB’s Latvian origins, intercut with interviews (with G. A. Cohen, Timothy Garton Ash, Peter Halban, Henry Hardy, Alan Montefiore, Anthony Quinton) and footage of IB
- First transmission: 4.10 pm 31/7/10 Latvian TV, Channel 1
- Duration: 32 minutes
- Repeat: 10.25 pm 2/8/10 Latvian TV, Channel 1
- Presenter: Björn Alexander Düben
- Director: Gints Grūbe
- Transcript: made by Esther Johnson and Henry Hardy
‘The End of the Ideal of the Perfect Society’ (1975), in Jorge Geraldo Ramírez, Isaiah Berlin: utopí a, tragedia y pluralismo (Medellí n, 2010: Fondo Editorial Universidad Eafit), 12–83
- English text facing the editor’s Spanish translation
- See the improved English text at Bib.293
Akehurst, Thomas L., The Cultural Politics of Analytic Philosophy: Britishness and the Spectre of Europe (London and New York, 2010: Continuum)
- also available on Academia
Avner, Yehuda, The Prime Ministers: An Intimate Narrative of Israeli Leadership (New Milford, CT, and London, 2010: Toby Press; 4th ed. 2012), 91–3, 373–7
Bourke, James E, ‘Incommensurability and Deliberation: Prolegomena to Pluralist Politics’, Western Political Science Association 2010 Annual Meeting paper
Crowder, George, ‘Isaiah Berlin’, in M. Bevir (ed.), Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Los Angeles, 2010: Sage)
Crowder, George, ‘Isaiah Berlin, pluralismo y liberalismo’, in J. G. Ramirez (ed.), Isaiah Berlin: utopia, tragedia y pluralismo (Medellin, 2010: Universidad Eafit)
Crowder, George, ‘Pluralism’, in M. Bevir (ed.), Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Los Angeles, 2010: Sage)
Dubnov, Arie M., ‘Anti-Cosmopolitan Liberalism: Isaiah Berlin, Jacob Talmon and the Dilemma of National Identity’, Nations and Nationalism 16 no. 4 (October 2010), 559–78