The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Foreword to Friedrich Meinecke, Historism: The Rise of a New Historical Outlook, trans. J. E. Anderson (London, 1972: Routledge and Kegan Paul), ix–xvi
- repr. as ‘Meinecke and Historicism’ in The Power of Ideas (2nd ed., 2013)
‘The Bent Twig: A Note on Nationalism’, Foreign Affairs 51 (1972), 11–30
- repr. in James F. Hoge, Jr, and Fareed Zakaria (eds), The American Encounter: The United States and the Making of the Modern World, Essays from 75 Years of ‘Foreign Affairs’ (New York, 1997: Basic Books), and The Crooked Timber of Humanity
- trans. Arabic, French, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Spanish
‘Dr Jacob Herzog’, Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1972, 28, 43
- repr. as ‘Yaacov Herzog: a Tribute’ as preface to Bib.126 and in Misha Louvish (ed.), A People that Dwells Alone: Speeches and Writings of Yaacov Herzog (London, 1995: Weidenfeld and Nicolson)
- trans. Hebrew
‘Giambattista Vico’, Listener 88 (1972), 391–8
- repr. as ‘Giambattista Vico: Man of Genius’ in Three Critics of the Enlightenment (2nd ed., 2013)
- trans. Spanish
‘History as we would like it’, Worldview 15 no. 7 (July 1972), 16
Introductory remarks for Roy Jenkins, British Foreign Policy since 1945 (7th Thank-Offering to Britain Fund Lecture) (Oxford, 1972: Oxford University Press for the British Academy), 3
‘Sorel’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 14 January 1972, 40
- See also Bib.121, ‘Georges Sorel’, Creighton Lecture, The Times Literary Supplement, 31 December 1971
(with others) ‘In Memory of Cecil Roth’ (letter), Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1972, 21
- view document below for PDF
(with Kenneth Burke) ‘An Exchange on Machiavelli’ (letters), New York Review of Books, 6 April 1972, 36
‘A Sympathiser with Zionism’ (letter to the editor, published in Hebrew translation), Ha’aretz, 17 November 1972, 26
- a response to Nathan Yellin-Mor, 'Apology of a Sceptic', in Ha’aretz, October 1972
John Amis, ‘Stravinsky Died a Year Ago’, Radio 3, 6 April 1972
- not subsequently published
Graham Martin, ‘Roots of Romanticism’, Radio 4, 16 October 1972
- not subsequently published
Fox, C. J., ‘Sorel’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 7 January 1972, 14
Hagihara, Nobutoshi, ‘Shiso heno tekii no nami: Isaiah Berlin, Jiyūron’ [‘The Wave of Hostility to Ideas: Isaiah Berlin’s Four Essays on Liberty’], Bungeishunju, December 1972, repr. in Shoshoshuyu [a collection of book reviews] (Tokyo, 1973: Bungeishunju), 157–76
- 136–53 in the reprint of Shoshoshuyu as no. 5 in the series The Hagiwara Nobutoshi Collection (Tokyo, 2008: Asahi Shimbunsha)
- View Document (below) for an English translation
Ilan, Amitzur, [in Hebrew] ‘Moyne Supported a Jewish State’ (‘reader’s letter’), Ha'aretz, 14 November 1972, 20
- comments on IB’s lecture ‘Zionist Politics in Wartime Washington’
Matteucci, Nicola, Il liberalismo in un mondo in trasformazione (Bologna, 1972: il Mulino)
Olmert, Ehud, [in Hebrew] ‘Berlin the Musician’ (about Irving Berlin’s meeting with Churchill), Ha’aretz, 8 October 1972, 6
Peter Scott, ‘Excellence and Equality at Wolfson’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 14 July 1972, 5
- Contains quotations from IB, to whom the author spoke for the article, including his description of Wolfson as ‘new, untrammelled, and unpyramided’
Yahil, Chaim, [in Hebrew] ‘The Soul-Searching of Sir Isaiah Berlin: Critical Remarks’, Zot Ha’aretz, 10 November 1972 (No 115), 3
- comments on IB’s lecture ‘Zionist Politics in Wartime Washington’
Yellin-Mor, Nathan, [in Hebrew] ‘Apology of a Sceptic’, Ha’aretz ...
- Comments adversely on IB’s lecture ‘Zionist Politics in Wartime Washington’ which had been serialised in Ha’aretz earlier in the month
- 18 October 1972, 15 (‘The Assignment – To Silence the Outcry: Isaiah Berlin Confesses his Errors after Waiting 30 Years’)
- 19 October 1972, 9 (‘The Historiosophy of Beggars: I. Berlin and Weizmann Wrongly Predicted Historical Developments’)
- 20 October 1972, 15 (‘What If Lord Moyne Had Not Been Assassinated? Hypotheses and Conjectures Hanging by a Thread’)