The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
‘Fathers and Children’
Chichi to ko, trans. Kei Koike (Tokyo, 1977: Misuzu Shobo)
‘Ottsi i deti: Turgenev i zatrudneniya liberalov’, trans. G. Durnov(o?), in Istoriya svobody: Rossiya (Moscow, 2001: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie)
Zionist Politics in Wartime Washington: A Fragment of Personal Reminiscence
- Serialised in Ha’aretz, 3–6 and 8–11 October 1972
‘The Bent Twig: A Note on Nationalism’
(London, 1992: Dal al Saqi)
In Gil Delannoi and Pierre-André Taguieff (eds), Théories du nationalisme: nation, nationalité, ethnicité (Paris, 1991: Éditions Kimé) [disputed edition; same trans. as 199? French? cf. 128 Spanish]
Version from 199? German repr. in Michael Jeismann and Henning Ritter (eds), Grenzfälle: Über neuen und alten Nationalismus (Leipzig, 1993: Reclam), 146–74
‘A meghajlított vesszõ: A nacionalizmus feltámadása’, trans.Zsuzsa Szentgyörgyi, in Magyar Tudomány [Hungarian Scholarship],38 (September 1993), 1082–95
‘Magerareta koeda: nationalism no bokkou nitsuite’, trans. Kanichi Fukuda, H. Kawai, H. Tanaka and R. Matsumoto, in the Japanese translation Selected Works of Berlin, 4 vols (Tokyo, 1983–92: Iwanami Shoten) (vol. 4, 1992)
‘El retorno del bastón: sobre la ascensión del nacionalismo’, trans. Antonio López Ruiz, in Gil Delannoi and Pierre-André Taguieff (eds), Teóriasdel nacionalismo (Barcelona etc., 1993: Ediciones Paidós) [cf. 128 French] ‘Sobre el nacionalismo’, in Trimestrepolitico no. 1 (July–September, 1975), 46–61
‘Giambattista Vico’
Trans. Enrique Bocardo in Cuadernos sobre Vico , 11–12(1999–2000), 17–32
Tolstoy’s View of Art and Morality
- Talk for Open University
- Used in/as programme 13 of course A302, ‘The Nineteenth-Century Novel and Its Legacy’
- Reused in revised course, A312, beginning in 1982 (programme 13 again)
- First transmission: 10/8/73 BBC Radio 4 (Open University)
- Duration: 28 minutes 53 seconds
- Repeat(s): 11/8/73 BBC Radio 4 (Open University), and in subsequent years of the course, at about the same time of year; 8.30 pm 17/8/73 BBC Radio 3
- Producer: Miriam Rapp
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives; Berlin Papers (initial version)
- Recording: BLSA Tape T10334R (C530/2) (copy of a BBC Transcription Services tape, BBC Transcription Services Talks Catalogue Number 1902.00); BLSA Tape 2319W (off-air); cassette in Berlin Papers
The Origins of Cultural History
- First of the 3 Gauss Seminars, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
- Two Notions of the History of Culture: the German Versus the French Tradition
- Recording date: 19/2/73
- First transmission: not broadcast
- Duration: c.60 minutes each (the last longer)
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tapes F4797-9
The Origins of Cultural History
- Second of the 3 Gauss Seminars, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
- 2. ‘Geisteswissenschaft’ and the Natural Sciences: Vico versus Descartes
- Recording date: 20/2/73
- First transmission: not broadcast
- Duration: c.60 minutes each (the last longer)
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tapes F4797-9
The Origins of Cultural History
- Third of the 3 Gauss Seminars, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
- 3. The Origins of the Conflict: Political Lawyers, Classical Scholars, Narrative Historians
- Recording date: 22/2/73
- First transmission: not broadcast
- Duration: c.60 minutes each (the last longer)
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tapes F4797-9
‘Austin and the Early Beginnings of Oxford Philosophy’, in Essays on J. L. Austin (Oxford, 1973: Clarendon Press), 1–16
- repr. in Personal Impressions
- trans. German
‘The Counter-Enlightenment’, Dictionary of the History of Ideas (New York, 1968–73: Scribner’s), vol. 2 (1973), 100–12
- repr. in Against the Current and The Proper Study of Mankind
- trans. Estonian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian
‘A Nation Among Nations’, Jewish Chronicle, Colour Magazine, 4 May 1973, 28–34
- excerpted as ‘Israel at 25’ in Jerusalem Post, 18 May 1973, magazine supplement, 7
‘The Foundation of Wolfson College, Oxford’
- first published as ‘Notes on the Foundation of Wolfson College’, Lycidas [the magazine of Wolfson College] 1 (1973), 2–4
- Lycidas was the original magazine of Wolfson College, later superseded by Romulus
‘Mr Hamilton Fish Armstrong’ (supplementary obituary), The Times, 28 April 1973, 16
‘Fathers and Children’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 12 January 1973, 40
- See also Bib.125, Fathers and Children: Turgenev and the Liberal Predicament, Romanes Lecture (Oxford, 1972: Clarendon Press; repr. with corrections 1973)
Contribution to ‘Books of the Year’, Observer, 16 December 1973, 33
Cumming, Robert D, ‘Is man still man?’, Social Research 40 (1973), 481–510
Macpherson, C. B., ‘Berlin’s Division of Liberty’, in his Democratic Theory: Essays in Retrieval (Oxford, 1973: Oxford University Press), 95–119
‘Austin and the Early Beginnings of Oxford Philosophy’
In Die Neue Rundschau (1998)
‘J. L. Austin to syoki no oxford tetsugaku’, trans. Hidekazu Kawai, in Selected Works of Berlin, 4 vols (Tokyo, 1983–92: Iwanami Shoten), vol. 2 (1983);
‘The Counter-Enlightenment’
‘Han-keimousyugi’, trans. Hiroyuki Minabe, in Selected Works of Berlin, 4 vols (Tokyo, 1983–92: Iwanami Shoten), vol. 3 (1984)
‘Protest przeciwko Oświeceniu’, trans. Zofia Dorosz, in Literatura na świecie no. 6 (1986), 318–47
(2001: Grani) ‘Protivnikiprosvshcheniya’, trans. T. Benedictova, in Filosofiya svobody: Evropa (Moscow, 2001: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie)
Byron: Poet or Myth? - panel discussion, BBC Radio 3, 1974 (150th anniversary of Byron's death)
- Panel discussion with others
- Recording date: 24/4/74; Byron died 19 April 1824
- First transmission: 9.40 pm 5/5/74 BBC Radio 3
- Duration (whole programme): 60 minutes
- Presenters: Christopher Ricks and Hallam Tennyson
- Producer: Hallam Tennyson
- Transcript: IB’s broadcast contribution transcribed by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BBC Sound Archives T37966; copy on BLSA Tape T10144W
- Publication: ‘From Missolonghi to Apsley House – A Reappraisal of Byron’, Listener 91 (1974), 623–6 (see Bib.141(b))
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