The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue

To browse articles on IB simply enter 'OA' in Bib Reference box above; 'OB' for books; and 'OT' for theses.

Rehg, William, and Bottman, James, Pluralism and the Pragmatic Turn (Cambridge, 2001: MIT Press), 343–54 (on Hegel and Berlin)

Works on IB

Ricciardi, Mario, ‘Berlin lettore di Sorel’, in Paolo Pastori and Giovanna Cavallari (eds), Georges Sorel nella crisi del liberalismo europeo (Ancona, 2001: Affinità Elettive), 573–88

Works on IB

Riley, Jonathan, ‘Interpreting Berlin’s Liberalism’, American Political Science Review 95 (2001), 283–95

  • highly recommended by Henry Hardy as 'a plausible account of Berlin'
Works on IB

Sapov, V. V., ‘ “Rokovoy fitil' ” Makiavelli’ [‘Machiavelli’s “Fatal Wick” ’], Chelovek [Man] 2001 no. 3, 138–40

Works on IB

Scalfari, Eugenio (ed.), Attualità dell’illuminismo (Bari, 2001: Laterza)

Works on IB

Scalfari, Eugenio, ‘Il nostro secolo senza lumi’, in id. (ed.), Attualità dell’illuminismo (Bari, 2001: Laterza), 3–10

Works on IB

Screech, Michael, ‘Isaiah Berlin’, in Felipe Fernandez-Armesto (ed.), Armchair Athenians: Essays from the Athenæum (London, 2001: The Athenæum)

Works on IB

Sidorsky, David, ‘The Third Concept of Liberty and the Politics of Identity’, Partisan Review 68 no. 4 (2001)

Works on IB

Skinner, Quentin, Liberty before Liberalism (Cambridge, 2001: Cambridge University Press), 113–16

Works on IB

Swift, Adam, Political Philosophy: A Beginner’s Guide for Students and Politicians (Oxford etc., 2001: Polity and Blackwell)

  • this work, esp. part 2, is critical of IB as ‘confused and confusing’, and Brian Barry opines: ‘Beginning students ... will be spared the effort to make sense of Berlin’s “two concepts of liberty”, thanks to Swift’s crisp exploration of its multiple confusions.’
Works on IB

Toulmin, Stephen, Return to Reason (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2001: Harvard University Press), vii–viii, 10, 181–2, 235–6

Works on IB

Wallace, Teresa, and others (eds.), Time and Tide: Sea of Faith Beyond the Millennium (Alresford, 2001: John Hunt)

Works on IB

Wokler, Robert, ‘The Professoriate of Political Thought in England since 1914: A Tale of Three Chairs’, The History of Political Thought in National Context, ed. Dario Castiglione and Iain Hampsher-Monk (Cambridge, 2001: Cambridge University Press), chapter 7 (134–58)

Works on IB

Yu Jongho, ‘Aijaieo Beollinui Ekkal Mareukeuseuem’ [‘Isaiah Berlin’s Karl Marx’], Dongailbo [Donga Daily], 6 October 2001, 30

  • repr. in the 2012 reissue of the 2001 Korean translation
Works on IB

Espada, João Carlos, Plattner, Marc F., and Wolfson, Adam (eds), Pluralism without Relativism: Remembering Isaiah Berlin (Lanham, MD, 2001: Lexington Books)

Works on IB

García Guitián, Elena, El pensamiento político de I. Berlin (Madrid, 2001: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales)

Works on IB

Hu, Chuansheng, Ziyou de huanxiang: Bolin sixiang yanjiu [Conceptions of Liberty: A Study of Berlin’s Thought] (Nanjing, 2001: Nanjing University Press)

  • discusses the features of Berlin’s thought in the context of the contemporary debate, and the development of liberalism
Works on IB

Lilla, Mark, Ronald Dworkin and Robert B. Silvers (eds), The Legacy of Isaiah Berlin (New York, 2001: New York Review of Books; London, 2001, Granta)

  • Part 1: 'Hedgehogs and Foxes'; Part II: 'Pluralism'; Part III: 'Nationalism and Israel'
  • With contributions by Aileen Kelly, Steven Lukes, Avishai Margalit, Thomas Nagel, Charles Taylor, Michael Walzer, Bernard Williams, Richard Wollheim


  • Hardy, Henry, ‘Thoughts of Taj Mahal will leave you as drunk as a fox’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 30 November 2001, 24–5 [title not the author's]
  • Leiter, Robert, ‘Speaking Volumes: A Fox Through and Through; Isaiah Berlin knew many things, and valued pluralism above all else’, Jewish Exponent, 10 May 2001, 30
  • Chinese translation
Works on IB

Naiman, Anatoly, Ser (Moscow, 2001: Eksmo)

  •     Review: ‘J.C.’ in ‘NB’, Times Literary Supplement, 14 December 2001, 14
Works on IB

Ben-Artzi, Amir, ‘Anthropological Dimensions in Isaiah Berlin’s Approach to Ideas’ (in Hebrew), MA thesis, Tel Aviv University (2001)

  • View document (below) for abstract
Works on IB