The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
‘Gramophone Notes’, Oxford Magazine 56 (1937–8), 770–1; 57 (1938–9), 243
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

‘Laws of Musical Sound’, review of Sir James Jeans, Science and Music, London Mercury 37 (1937–8), 356
- For text see the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

‘Oxford Subscription Concert’, Oxford Magazine 56 (1937–8), 470–1
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

Review of Constance Maund, Hume’s Theory of Knowledge, Oxford Magazine 57 (1938–9), 224–5
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Karl Marx: His Life and Environment (London, 1939: Thornton Butterworth; Toronto, 1939: Nelson)
- [Charques, Richard Denis,] ‘In the Name of Marx: The Philosopher and the Right’, The Times Literary Supplement, 7 October 1939, 570
- Hill, Christopher, ‘Karl Marx: Mr Christopher Hill Reviews Mr Berlin’s Book’, Oxford University Labour Club Bulletin, 6 December 1939, [7–9]
- Rowse, A. L., Political Quarterly 11 no. 1 (January 1940), 127–30; repr. in id., The End of an Epoch: Reflections on Contemporary History (London, 1947: Macmillan), 253–6
2nd ed. (London, 1948: Oxford University Press; New York, 1959: Oxford University Press)
- repr. with corrections (London and New York, 1960: Oxford University Press)
- trans. French, German (with extra material)
- Bruhat, Jean, Pensée, April 1963, 145–7 (extremely negative)
- Maus, Heinz, review of Karl Marx: sein Leben und sein Werk, Neue Politische Literatur 6 no. 6 (January 1961), 492
3rd ed. (London and New York, 1963: Oxford University Press; New York, 1963: Time Inc.; [Tokyo], 1963: Oxford University Press/Maruzen)
- ‘after nearly forty years still gleams like the golden bough through the murky forest of literature about Marx’: Hugh Lloyd-Jones, The Times Literary Supplement, 4 February 1977, 118)
- trans. Dutch, Finnish, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish
4th ed., with a guide to further reading by Terrell Carver (Oxford and New York, 1978: Oxford University Press; London, 1978: Book Club Associates; foreword by Alan Ryan, London, 1995: Fontana Press)
- trans. Dutch, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish
5th ed., ed. Henry Hardy, foreword by Alan Ryan and afterword and (revised) guide to further reading by Terrell Carver (Princeton and Oxford, 2013: Princeton University Press)
- a thoroughly revised text with references added for quotations

‘Verification’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 39 (1938–9), 225–48
Repr. in
- G. H. R. Parkinson (ed.), The Theory of Meaning (London, 1968: Oxford University Press)
- Mark J. Smith (ed.), Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, vol. 1, Canons and Custodians: Scientific Enquiry in the 20th Century (London, 2005: Sage), 35–53
- Concepts and Categories
trans. Spanish

Review of Karl Britton, Communication, Mind 48 (1939), 518–27
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Karl Marx: His Life and Environment 2nd edition
Trans. Anne Guerin and Paolo Tilche (Paris, 1962: Gallimard)
Trans. Curt Meyer-Clason (Munich, 1959: Piper Verlag) 3rd edition
Trans. Peter de Jong (Amsterdam, 1968: De Arbeiderspers)
Trans. Juhani Jaskari (Helsinki, 1968: Otava)
Trans. Curt Meyer-Clason (Frankfurt-am-Main and Berlin, 1968: Ullstein)
Trans. Arie Hashavia (Tel Aviv, 1974: Machbarot Lesifrut) Review: Meir Avizohar, Maariv, 7 February 1975 [with Zvi Rosen, Karl Marx’s Spiritual World: Marx and Bruno Bauer (Ramat-Gan, 1974: Hotsa’at Masadah)]
Trans. Paolo Vittorelli (Florence, 1967: La Nuova Italia)
Trans. Shunsuke Omi and Taira Kuratsuka (Tokyo, 1974: Chuokoron-Sha)
(Seoul, 2002: Midas Books)
Trans. Nils Heyerdahl (Oslo, 1966: Gyldendal)
Trans. Roberto Bixio (Buenos Aires, 1964: Sur) Trans. Roberto Bixio (Madrid, 1973: Alianza)
Trans. James Rossel (Stockholm, 1965: Bonniers) 4th edition
Trans. Elise Marijns (Amsterdam, 1980: De Arbeiderspers/Synopsis)
Trans. T. N. Mertikas (Athens, 1998: Scripta)
Trans. Paolo Vittorelli (Florence, 1994: La Nuova Italia)
Trans. Hisao Fukudome (Tokyo, 1984: Saiensu-Sha)
(Seoul, 1982: Pyung Min Sa) (Seoul, 2001: Midas)
Trans. Wojciech Orlinski (Warsaw, 1999: Ksiazka i Wiedza)
Trans. Helio Polvora (Sao Paulo, 1991: Agencis Siciliano de Livros)
Trans. Roberto Bixio, ed. Ángel Rivero (Madrid, 2000: Alianza)

‘Gramophone Notes’, Oxford Magazine 58 (1939–40), 306–7
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

Wisdom, John, ‘Other Minds (I.)’, Mind 49 no. 196 (October 1940), 369–402
- takes as its starting point a (lost) paper on other minds, read by IB to the Moral Sciences Club in Cambridge, 12 June 1940
- see esp. pp. 369, 373

- Review of David Footman, The Primrose Path
- First transmission: 8.55 pm 17/12/46 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 20 minutes [5 minutes Radio Times]
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives

Belinsky (1810–1848)
- Talk
- Recording date: 29/5/47
- First transmission: 7.05 pm 25/6/47 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Publication: ‘The Man Who Became a Myth’, Listener 38 (1947), 23–5 = Bibliography 27

‘The Man Who Became a Myth’, Listener 38 (1947), 23–5
- repr. in John Morris (ed.), From the Third Programme: A Ten Years’ Anthology (London, 1956: Nonesuch Press) (with the subtitle ‘Belinsky and his Influence on Nineteenth-Century Russia’), and The Power of Ideas

Review of Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, Mind 56 (1947), 151–66
- repr. in A. D. Irvine (ed.), Bertrand Russell: History of Philosophy, Ethics, Education, Religion and Politics, vol. 4 of Bertrand Russell: Critical Assessments, 4 vols (London and New York, 1998: Routledge), and as ‘Russell’s History of Philosophy’ in The Crooked Timber of Humanity (2nd edition)

‘Digest’ of Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, British Book News 80 (April 1947), 210–11
- repr. in British Book News 1947 (London, 1949)
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‘Karajan: A Study’, Observer, 19 September 1948, 2
- See also the compilation 'Isaiah Berlin on Music', Bib.299

‘Russia and 1848’, Slavonic Review 26 (1948), 341–60
- repr. in Heinz Lubasz (ed.), Revolutions in Modern European History (New York/London, 1966: Macmillan/Collier-Macmillan) (with revisions), and Russian Thinkers
- trans. Polish, Russian

Review of Bishop Fan S. Noli, Beethoven and the French Revolution, English Historical Review 63 (1948), 565–6
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Review of Henri Troyat, Firebrand: The Life of Dostoevsky, Listener 40 (1948), 102
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