The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
‘Russia and 1848’
‘Roshia to 1848-nen’, trans. Yoshio Imai, in Japanese translation of Selected Works of Berlin, 4 vols (Tokyo, 1983–92: Iwanami Shoten), vol. 3 (1984)

The Anglo-American Predicament
- Talk
- First transmission: 8.45 pm 21/9/49 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 20 minutes
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives
- Publication: ‘The Anglo-American Predicament’, Listener 42 (1949), 518–19 and 538

England in a Two-Power World
- Discussion with two other speakers, commissioned by the Lowell Institute Cooperative Broadcasting Council
- Recording date: 21/3/49
- First transmission: 9.30 pm 22/3/49
- Series: Crossroads of the Future

‘The Anglo-American Predicament’, Listener 42 (1949), 518–19 and 538 (letters, 681, 813, 815)

Contribution to ‘Notes on the Way’ column, Time and Tide 30 (1949), 1133–4, 1157–8, 1187–8
- repr. as ‘The Intellectual Life of American Universities’ in Enlightening

‘Mr Churchill’ (review of Churchill’s 2nd vol. of war memoirs, Their Finest Hour), Atlantic Monthly 184 no. 3 (September 1949), 35–44
- repr. as ‘Mr Churchill and FDR’, Cornhill Magazine 981 (Winter 1949/1950), 219–40 (‘a bright fire of affection and confidence’, The Times Literary Supplement, 23 December 1949, 846)
- repr. in Edward Weeks and Emily Flint (eds), New England Oracle: A Choice Selection from One Hundred Years of the Atlantic Monthly (London, 1958: Collins), as Mr Churchill in 1940 (London, [1964] John Murray; Boston/Cambridge, n.d.: Houghton Mifflin/Riverside Press)
- as ‘Winston Churchill in 1940’ in Personal Impressions and The Proper Study of Mankind
- excerpted as ‘Roosevelt and Churchill: A Study of Two Great Personalities’ in News Chronicle, 12 December 1949, 2
- trans. German

‘Three Who Made a Revolution’, review of Bertram D. Wolfe, Three Who Made a Revolution, American Historical Review 55 (1949), 86–92

Review of G. V. Plekhanov, In Defence of Materialism, trans. Andrew Rothstein, Slavonic Review 28 (1949–50), 257–62 (letter, 607–10)
- View document (below) for PDF

‘Attitude on Marxism Stated: Dr Berlin Amplifies His Remarks Made at Mount Holyoke’ (letter), New York Times, 8 July 1949, 18
- repr. at Enlightening 99–100

'Demonising Marx', review of Leopold Schwarzschild, The Red Prussian: The Life and Legend of Karl Marx, International Affairs 25 (1949), 532–3
- View document (below) for PDF

‘Don Giovanni at Aix-en-Provence’, talk on BBC Third Programme, recorded 30 August 1949
- re-recorded 26 January 1950 after the previous recording was accidentally destroyed, broadcast 26 January 1950
- recording not preserved
- text based on BBC transcript
- published on this site
- See also Bib.299, 'Isaiah Berlin on Music'
View document below for PDF

‘Mr Churchill’
Trans. Edith Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, in Neue Schweizer Rundschau no. 7 (November 1950), 387–95

Don Giovanni in Aix-en-Provence
- Talk
- Recording dates: 30/8/49, 26/1/50 (the original tape was accidentally destroyed, so IB had to re-record the talk in a mobile van in Oxford, on the day it was broadcast)
- First transmission: 9.25 pm 26/1/50 BBC Third Programme
- Duration: 30 minutes [20 minutes Radio Times]
- Producer: Anna Kallin
- Transcript: BBC Written Archives

‘Empirical Propositions and Hypothetical Statements’, Mind 59 (1950), 289–312
- repr. in Robert J. Schwartz (ed.), Perceiving, Sensing, and Knowing (New York, 1965: Doubleday), Mark J. Smith (ed.), Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, vol. 1, Canons and Custodians: Scientific Enquiry in the 20th Century (London, 2005: Sage), 71–94
- Concepts and Categories

‘Logical Translation’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 50 (1949–50), 157–88
- repr. in Mark J. Smith (ed.), Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, vol. 1, Canons and Custodians: Scientific Enquiry in the 20th Century (London, 2005: Sage), 95–119
- Concepts and Categories

‘The Trends of Culture’, contribution to ‘The Year 1949 in Historical Perspective’, in 1950 Britannica Book of the Year (Chicago/Toronto/London, 1950: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.), xxii–xxxi

‘Political Ideas in the Twentieth Century’, Foreign Affairs 28 (1950), 351–85
- repr. in Four Essays on Liberty and Liberty, and in part in David Cooperman and E. V. Walter (eds), Power and Civilization: Political Thought in the Twentieth Century (New York, 1962: Crowell)
- trans. German, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Russian (in part, from Hebrew; see Four Essays on Liberty)

‘Socialism and Socialist Theories’, Chambers’s Encyclopaedia (London, 1950: Newnes; New York, 1950: Oxford University Press), vol. 12, 638–50
- revised in 1966 ed. (Oxford, New York etc.: Pergamon), vol. 12, 640–52
- repr. with further revisions in Sense of Reality

Translation of Ivan Turgenev, First Love with Rudin, trans. Alex Brown, and an introduction by Lord David Cecil (London, 1950: Hamish Hamilton)
- illustrated ‘with charming new drawings by Fritz Wegner’ (The Times Literary Supplement, 11 January 1957, 21), but without Rudin (London, 1956: Hamish Hamilton; London, 1965: Panther; Harmondsworth, 1977: Penguin)
- repr. with an introduction by V. S. Pritchett (Harmondsworth, 1978: Penguin)
- reissued (with Cecil’s introduction) with 66 as First Love [and] A Fire at Sea (London, 1982: Hogarth Press; New York, 1983: Viking)
- reissued solo in Great Loves series (London etc., 2007: Penguin)
- reissued with 66 and Spring Torrents (trans. Leonard Schapiro) as First Love and Other Stories (London, 1994: David Campbell Publishers [Everyman’s Library])
- excerpt in Elizabeth Jane Howard (ed.), The Lover’s Companion (Newton Abbott, 1978: David and Charles; London, 1997: Macmillan)
- trans. Malay

‘Soviet Beginnings’, review of E. H. Carr, A History of Soviet Russia, vol. 1: The Bolshevik Revolution 1917–1923, Sunday Times, 10 December 1950, 3.