The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
‘Russian Literature: The Great Century’, review of D. S. Mirsky, A History of Russian Literature, Nation 170 (1950), 180–3, 207–8

‘The Energy of Pasternak’, review of Boris Pasternak, Selected Writings, Partisan Review 17 (1950), 748–51
- repr. in Victor Erlich (ed.), Pasternak: A Collection of Critical Essays (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1978: Prentice-Hall)

‘ “ A Sense of Reality” about Russia’, review of Walter Bedell Smith, My Three Years in Moscow, New York Times Book Review, 8 January 1950, 1, 25

‘A View of Russian Literature’, review of Marc Slonim, The Epic of Russian Literature, Partisan Review 17 (1950), 617–23

anon., entry in ‘The Great Faces of Oxford’, Vogue (New York), 1 July 1950, 68–73
- entry on IB on p. 70
- photo of IB by Norman Parkinson p. 71

[Carr, E. H.], ‘The New Scepticism’ (leading article), The Times Literary Supplement, 9 June 1950, 357 (on IB’s ‘Political Ideas in the Twentieth Century’)

Robert Kee, ‘Eternal Oxford’, Picture Post, 25 November 1950, 13–21
- there is no text reference to IB, but a photo by John Chillingworth on p. 21, captioned ‘Philosopher: Isaiah Berlin, New College, one of the best talkers in Oxford’

‘Political Ideas in the Twentieth Century’
- ‘Der Einbruch des Irrationalen: Politische Ideen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert’, trans. unnamed, in Der Monat, Issue 3, no. 28 (January 1951), 339–48
- ‘Der Weg zum Konformismus: Politische Ideen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert’, trans. unnamed, in Der Monat, Issue 3, no. 29 (February 1951), 461–9
- ‘Nijyusseiki no seiji sisou’, trans. Kanichi Fukuda, in Jiyūron [translation of Four Essays on Liberty] by K. Ogawa, K. Koike, K. Fukuda and K. Ikimatsu (Tokyo, 1971: Misuzu Shobo)
- ‘Politiske ideer i det 20. århundre’, trans. Kari Lindbekk, Minervas Kvartalsskrift 1961 no. 3, 283–309
- (in part) ‘Chto prines nam dvadtsatii vek: politicheskie vozzreniyanashego vremeni’, trans. from Hebrew by S. Levkovich, in Vremya i mi no. 54 (June 1980), 88–104
- (in part) ‘Opasnost´illyuzii’ (‘The Danger of Illusions’), trans. A. Graphov, in Zarubezhnayakul´tura (28 February 1990), 15

Translation of Ivan Turgenev, First Love
Chinta Pertama , trans. Fritz Wegner (Kuala Lumpur, 1964)

‘Jewish Slavery and Emancipation’, Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1951, 17, 24; also 28 September 1951, 17, 19; 5 October 1951, 13, 15; 12 October 1951, 8
- repr. from Norman Bentwich (ed.), Hebrew University Garland (London, 1952: Constellation Books), 18–42
- repr. in Zalman Shazar and Nathan Rotenstreich (eds), Forum for the Problems of Zionism, World Jewry and the State of Israel 1 (December 1953 [Jerusalem: Information Dept of the Jewish Agency])
- repr. therefrom as Herzl Institute Pamphlet no. 18 (New York, 1961: Herzl Press)
- repr. in The Power of Ideas
- trans. Catalan, French, Hebrew
- see also 152a

‘Lev Tolstoy’s Historical Scepticism’, Oxford Slavonic Papers 2 (1951), 17–54
- ‘ambitious and stimulating […] This is one of the most interesting and important contributions to Tolstoyan criticism to appear […] for many years’, The Times Literary Supplement, 25 January 1952, 81
Reprinted with additions as The Hedgehog and the Fox: An Essay on Tolstoy’s View of History (London, 1953): see Bib.51(a), or else search on 'Hedgehog'

‘Nineteen Fifty: A Survey of Politico-Cultural Trends of the Year’, in 1951 Britannica Book of the Year (Chicago/Toronto/London, 1951: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.), xxii–xxxi

‘On Translating Turgenev: Mrs Pegaway's Virtues’, review of I. S. Turgenev, Smoke, On the Eve, Virgin Soil, Fathers and Children and A House of Gentle Folk, trans. Constance Garnett, Observer, 11 November 1951, 7
- View document (below) for PDF

Review of E. H. Carr, Studies in Revolution, International Affairs 27 (1951), 470–1
- View document (below) for PDF

'The Big Liza', Review of Benoît-P. Hepner, Bakounine et le panslavisme révolutionnaire, Slavonic Review 30 (1951–2), 280–5
- View document (below) for PDF

‘This Modern Age’, review of Hans Kohn, The Twentieth Century, Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1951, 10
- View document (below) for PDF

anon., ‘Isaiah Berlin’s Thesis: Liberal Jewish Dissent’, Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1951, 6d

Brown, Robert, and Watling, John, ‘Hypothetical Statements in Phenomenalism’, Synthèse 8 (1949–51), 355–66
- discusses IB’s ‘Empirical Propositions and Hypothetical Statements’ in Mind 59 (1950), 289–312

Kennan, George F., ‘Lectures on Foreign Policy’, Illinois Law Review 45 (1951), 718–42

Pears, D., ‘The Logical Status of Supposition’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society supplementary vol. 25 (1951), 83–98
- touches on the IB paper discussed by Brown and Watling (1951)