The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue

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Delannoi, Gil, ‘Le pluralisme de Sir Isaiah Berlin’, Critique, 1 October 1991, 776–81

Works on IB

Edinast-Vulcan, Daphna, Joseph Conrad and the Modern Temper (New York, 1991: Oxford University Press)

  • contains a chapter on Conrad’s Under Western Eyes that makes use of ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’
Works on IB

[Forbes, Ali], ‘Lady Patricia Douglas’ (obituary), Sunday Telegraph, 27 January 1991, 20

Works on IB

Giner, Salvador, ‘Berlin: “Podría surgir un socialismo pluralista” ’, El País, 15 April 1991, 8

Works on IB

Haworth, Alan, ‘Models of Liberty: Berlin’s “Two Concepts” ’, Economy and Society 20 (1991), 245–59 [see also references at 257 note 2]

Works on IB

Hunt, Ian, ‘Freedom and its Conditions’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69 (1991), 288–301

Works on IB

Jenkins, Roy, A Life at the Centre (London, 1991: Macmillan)

Works on IB

Lukes, Steven, Moral Conflict and Politics (Oxford, 1991: Clarendon Press)

Works on IB

McPherson, James M. ‘The Hedgehog and the Foxes’, Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association 12 no. 1 (1991)

Works on IB

Massarenti, Armando, ‘È il dialogo l’ideale di sir Berlin’, Il sole ventiquattore, 17 February 1991

Works on IB

Miller, D., ‘Introduction’ to his edited volume, Liberty (Oxford, 1991: Oxford University Press), 1–20

Works on IB

Plant, Raymond, Modern Political Thought (Oxford, 1991: Blackwell), esp. pp. 235–8, 247–8

Works on IB

Racionero, Luis, ‘Isaiah Berlin, entre el zorro y el erizio’, ABC literario (supplement to ABC), 21 September 1991, xii

Works on IB

Sasaki, Fumiko, (in Japanese) ‘Isaiah Berlin’s Perspective on International Politics in “Weekly Political Report” (2): Dependence and Subjectivity in Diplomacy’, Bulletin of Aoyama Graduate School of International Politics and Economics 3 (1991), 1–22

Works on IB

Sekiguchi Masashi, ‘Futatsu no. jiyū gainen’ [‘Two Concepts of Liberty: After Isaiah Berlin’], in Seinan gakuin daigaku hogaku ronshu [The Seinan Law Review] 24 no. 1 (1991), 1–57, 24 no. 3 (1992), 43–107

Works on IB

Simhony, Avital, ‘On Forcing Individuals to be Free: T. H. Green’s Liberal Theory of Positive Freedom’, Political Studies 39 (1991), 303–20

  • argues that IB’s reading of Green is misleading
Works on IB

Skoble, Aeon James, ‘Conflicting Views of Liberalism’, Dialogue (Phi Sigma Tau) 33 nos 2–3 (April 1991), 47–50 [API]

Works on IB

Tsurumi Shunsuke, ‘Berlin: Berlin to hige’ [‘Berlin: Berlin and Stubble’], in Tsurumi Shunsuke, Tsurumi Shunsuke syū 2: senkousha tachi [Works of Tsurumi Shunsuke vol. 2: Trailblazers] (Tokyo, 1991: Chikuma Shobo)

Works on IB

Wang Zuoliang, ‘Wenxue de Lundun, shenghuo de Lundun’ [‘London of Literature, London of Life’], in Xinzhi de fengjingxian [Scenery of the mind] (Beijing, 1991: SDX Joint Publishing Company), 139–154

  • at 153, Wang quotes Empson (whom he visited in London in 1982, his first visit to Britain after his return to China in 1949); Wang congratulated Empson on his election to the British Academy, and Empson said that he had written to IB complaining that the British Academy was too closed an institution, preferring to support archaeology rather than talented young scholars; IB denied the charge
Works on IB

Margalit, Edna and Avishai (eds), Isaiah Berlin: A Celebration (London, 1991: Hogarth Press; Chicago, 1991 [paperback 2001]: University of Chicago Press)

  • Annan, Noel, ‘So Unravaged by the Fierce Intellectual Life’, Spectator, 15 June 1991, 28–9
Works on IB