The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue
Petrucciani, Stefano, ‘Tre concetti di libertà’, Critica marxista 2 no. 1 (1992), 48–56
Racionero, Luis, ‘La Utopía: De Karl Mannheim a Isaiah Berlin’, Claves de razón práctica no. 22 (May 1992), 38–43
Sasaki, Fumiko, ‘The Views of Isaiah Berlin on Human Nature’, Aoyama SIPA Bulletin 1992
Skidelsky, Robert, John Maynard Keynes, vol. 2: The Economist as Saviour 1920–1937 (London, 1992: Macmillan), 427 only
Snauwaert, ‘Reclaiming the Lost Treasure: Deliberation and Strong Democratic Education’, Educational Theory 42 no. 3 (Summer 1992), 351–67 [API]
Tanaka Haruo, ‘Byoudou genri to kakusa genri: Berlin oyobi Rawls no. giron kara’ [‘The Equality Principle and the Difference Principle: A Comparative Study of I. Berlin and J. Rawls’], in Seikei hogaku no. 35 (1992), 219–42
Trincia, Francesco Saverio, ‘Apologia della libertà negativa’, Critica marxista 1992 no. 5, 65–77
- repr. in id., Il governo della distanza (Milan, 2004: Franco Angeli), 21–40
Vejvoda, Ivan, ‘Pluralizam i sloboda’ (‘Pluralism and liberty’), afterword (pp. 301–6) to Serbo-Croat translation of Four Essays on Liberty: Isaija Berlin, Cetiri ogleda o slobodi, trans. Vesna Danilovic, Slavica Miletic (Belgrade, 1992)
Warnock, Mary, The Uses of Philsophy (Oxford, 1992: Blackwell)
Díaz-Urmeneta Muñoz, Juan Bosco, ‘Racionalidad moderna e individualidad en la obra de Isaiah Berlin’, Ph.D. thesis, University of Seville (1992)
Classic FM interview
- First transmission: 12.00 pm 4/3/93 Classic FM
- Duration (IB’s portion): 25 minutes
- Series: Susannah Simons: Music and Conversation
- Presenter: Susannah Simons
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape H1247
*Isaiah Berlin: Ein Porträt
- A portrait in German by Andreas Isenschmid, with contributions by IB, Isenschmid and Axel Honneth; readings spoken by Peter Kner
- Recording dates: London 9–10/2/93, Frankfurt 17/9/93
- First transmission: 9.00 pm 24/9/93 Swiss Radio DRS, Studio Zürich, channel DRS2
- Duration: 55 minutes 48 seconds
- Repeat: 4.30 pm 3/10/93 ibid.
- Series: Passage (No 2)
- Presenter: Andreas Isenschmid
- Transcript: made by Henry Hardy
- Recording: BLSA Tape H3754
The Magus of the North: J. G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism (1965), ed. Henry Hardy (London, 1993: John Murray; New York, 1994: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; London, 1994: Fontana Press)
- excerpted as ‘The Magus of the North’ in New York Review of Books, 21 October 1993, 64–71 (letter, 18 November 1993, 68)
- repr. in Three Critics of the Enlightenment with Foreword to the German edition
- trans. French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish
- excerpt trans. French, German, Italian, Spanish
‘England’s Mistaken Moralist’ (G. E. Moore in Principia Ethica), contribution to ‘Speaking Volumes’, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 15 October 1993, 20
‘A Reply to David West’, Political Studies 41 (1993), 297–8
‘Yitzhak Sadeh’, Midstream 39 no. 4 (May 1993), 20–24
- repr. in Personal Impressions (2nd ed., 1998)
- trans. Russian
- cf. Bib.192(c), ‘On Yitzhak Sadeh’ (in Hebrew translation), Davar, 5 September 1986, 17
Contribution to Sir Isaiah Berlin and others, Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart 1907–1992: Speeches Delivered at Memorial Ceremony on 6 February 1993 ([Oxford, 1993]: privately printed), 1–8
- repr. in Jenifer Hart, Ask Me no. More: An Autobiography (London, 1998: Peter Halban)
- as ‘Herbert Hart’ in Personal Impressions (3rd ed., 2014)
- trans. Japanese
Contribution (on books read during 1992) to Misuzu 35 no. 1 (January 1993), 49
Contribution to tenth anniversary CD booklet for Music at Oxford ([Oxford, 1993: Music at Oxford])
Casey, Jean, ‘At Home with the Great Philosophers’, Guardian, 1 April 1993, 2–3