The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue

To browse articles on IB simply enter 'OA' in Bib Reference box above; 'OB' for books; and 'OT' for theses.

Kukathas, Chandran, ‘Liberty’, in Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit (eds), A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy (Oxford, 1993: Blackwell), esp. pp. 534–8

Works on IB

Lukes, Steven, review of John Kekes, The Morality of Pluralism, American Political Science Review 88 (1994), 739–40

Works on IB

Mack, Eric, ‘Isaiah Berlin and the Quest for Liberal Pluralism’, Public Affairs Quarterly 7 no. 3 (July 1993), 215–30

Works on IB

Mack, Eric, ‘The Limits of Diversity: The New Counter-Enlightenment and Isaiah Berlin’s Liberal Pluralism’, in Howard Dickman (ed.), The Imperiled Academy (New Brunswick, NJ, and London, 1993: Transaction), 97–126

Works on IB

Marcoaldi, Franco, ‘Isaiah Berlin: utopia della decenza’, in id., Voci rubate (Turin, 1993: Einaudi), 49–71

Works on IB

Mehta, Ved, Up at Oxford [part of the Continents of Exile series] (New York, 1993: Norton)

Works on IB

Miller, Cecilia, Giambattista Vico: Imagination and Historical Knowledge (New York, 1993: St Martin’s Press)

Works on IB

Nielsen, Kai, ‘Philosophy and Weltanschauung’, Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (1993), 179–86

  • discusses IB, Anthony Quinton, Stuart Hampshire, Iris Murdoch, ‘Philosophy and Beliefs’, Twentieth Century 157 (1955), 495–521
Works on IB

Pera, Pia, ‘Il riccio e la volpe’, Leggere 6 (1993), 70–1

Works on IB

Pyke, Steve, Philosophers (Manchester,1993: Cornerhouse Publications; 2nd ed. London, 1995: Zelda Cheatle Press)

  • contains photograph of IB
Works on IB

Rescher, Nicholas, Pluralism: Against the Demand of Consensus (Oxford, 1993: Clarendon Press)

Works on IB

Sasaki, Fumiko, (in Japanese) ‘Isaiah Berlin’s View of Man’, Bulletin of Aoyama Graduate School of International Politics and Economics 5 (1993), 1–20

Works on IB

Satpathy, S., ‘“A Tedious Argument of Insidious Intent”: T. S. Eliot’s Anti-Semitism Reconsidered’, New Quest 97 (January–February 1993), 17–22

Works on IB

Scarpelli, Uberto, ‘L’etica della libertà’, Bioetica 1 (1993), 9–23

Works on IB

Schochet, Gordon J. ‘Why Should History Matter? Political Theory and the History of Discourse’, in John G. A. Pocock and others (eds), The Varieties of British Political Thought, 1500–1800 (Cambridge, 1993: CUP)

Works on IB

Sen, Amartya, ‘Markets and Freedoms: Achievements and Limitations of the Market Mechanism in Promoting Individual Freedoms’, Oxford Economic Papers 45 (1993), 519–41

  • discusses IB at 524
Works on IB

Simhony, Avital, ‘Beyond Negative and Positive Freedom: T. H. Green’s View of Freedom’, Political Theory 21 (1993), 28–54

Works on IB

Tasker, Mary, and David Packham, ‘Industry and Higher Education: A Question of Values’, Studies in Higher Education 18 no. 2 (1993), 127–136

Works on IB

Trincia, Francesco Saverio, ‘Liberalismo e marxismo nella cultura anglosassone’, Iride 1994 no. 11, 109–25

Works on IB

West, David, ‘Spinoza on Positive Freedom’, Political Studies 41 (1993), 284–96

  • reply by Berlin, ibid., 297–8
Works on IB