The Isaiah Berlin Catalogue

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Sue Lawley, ‘Desert Island Discs’, Radio 4, 19 April 1992


Steven Lukes, ‘Isaiah Berlin: Tra la filosofia e la storia delle idee’ ['Between Philosophy and the History of Ideas'], Iride 8 (January–April 1992), 82–136

  • extract in Il Sole 24 Ore, 12 July 1993, 32, with article by Armando Massarenti
  • repr. in Isaiah Berlin, Tra la filosofia e la storia delle idee: la società pluralistica e i suoi nemici – intervista autobiografica e filosofica [The Pluralistic Society and Its Enemies – An Autobiographical and Philosophical Interview], ed. Steven Lukes (Florence, 1994: Ponte alle Grazie), together with other material
  • extract in La Repubblica, 26 March 1994, Cultura, first page
  • part of English original published in Prospect, October 1997, 46–53 (an extract from this version appeared as ‘The Wisest Man in Britain’, Sunday Telegraph, 21 September 1997, Review, 1–2, 4; trans. German)
  • whole English original published as ‘Isaiah Berlin in Conversation with Steven Lukes’ in Salmagundi no. 120 (Fall 1998), 52–134
  • extract trans. Polish in Przeglad polityczny 54 (2002), 124–32

Bryan Magee, ‘Nationalism’, Radio 3, 19 February 1992

  • Not published

Béjar, Helena, ‘La necessidad de la elección’, Claves de razón práctica no. 22 (May 1992), 48–51

Works on IB

Bellamy, Richard, Liberalism and Modern Society (Cambridge, 1992: Polity)

Works on IB

Bellamy, Richard, ‘T. H. Green, J. S. Mill, and Isaiah Berlin on the Nature of Liberty and Liberalism’, in Hyman Gross and Ross Harrison (eds), Jurisprudence: Cambridge Essays (Oxford, 1992: Clarendon Press), 257–85

Works on IB

Benewick, Robert, and Green, Philip, The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Political Thinkers (London and New York, 1992: Routledge; 2nd ed. 1998)

  • contains entry on IB
Works on IB

Conor Cruise O’Brien, The Great Melody: A Thematic Biography and Commented Anthology of Edmund Burke (London, 1992: Sinclair Stevenson)

Works on IB

Delgado-Gal, Alvaro, ‘Sir Isaiah se despide’ [Sir Isaiah says goodbye], Diario 16, 29 July 1992

Works on IB

Díaz-Urmeneta Muñoz, Juan Bosco, ‘Individualidad romantica y pluralismo’, Fragmentos de filosofia 1 (1992), 29–54

Works on IB

Donaldson, Frances, A Twentieth-Century Life (London, 1992: Weidenfeld & Nicolson)

Works on IB

Giner, Salvador, ‘El fuste de la razón: a modo de prólogo’, in Spanish trans. of The Crooked Timber of Humanity

Works on IB

Gould, James A., ‘The Free Person’, Journal of Thought 27 nos 3–4 (Spring–Summer 1992), 91–103

Works on IB

Gray, J., ‘Against the New Liberalism: Rawls, Dworkin and the Emptying of Political Life’, The Times Literary Supplement, 3 July 1992, 13–15

Works on IB

Hacking, Ian, ‘How, Why, When, and Were Did Language Go Public?’, Common Knowledge 1 no. 2 (1992), 74–91

Works on IB

Healey, Derek T., ‘Two Concepts of Political Economy’, Methodus (June 1992), 24–5

Works on IB

Khalil, Elias L., ‘Fox, Hegdehog, and Owl: Three Temperaments in Economic Discourse’, Methodus 4 no. 1 (June 1992), 101–9

Works on IB

Lewis, David M., The Jews of Oxford (Oxford, 1992: Oxford Jewish Congregation)

Works on IB

Lukes, Steven, ‘On Trade-Offs Between Values’, EUI Working Paper SPS no. 92/24 (Florence, 1992: European University Institute)

Works on IB

McKinney, Ronald H., ‘Towards a Postmodern Ethics: Sir Isaiah Berlin and John Caputo’, Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (1992), 395–407 (abstract in The Philosopher’s Index)

Works on IB